haha.. okay so I guess I should explain the title of this entry.. and I will in just a sec.. Let me start from the beginning though :)
Okay, so on Saturday night Nate shows up at my house at nine. So, we were heading out to Layton to go to one of his friend's house and we hop onto Highway 89 and all of the sudden there was this loud strange noise.. and I looked at Nate and I said, "um, Nate? what is that sound?" He quickly pulled over and we got out. He looked under his car and sure enough His muffler had fallen off. How a muffler falls off I am not quite sure. I guess my question is, does it really fall off.. or is it just kind of still attatched? haha.. okay I am definately not educated on cars. Okay, back to the story. So, Nate just looks at me like okay what should we do. I just laughed because if any of you know me, I am not the most reliable resource in this situation. :) Anyway, one of his friends came and picked us up and took us back to my house to grab my car.
Oh! so I introduced Nate to some good country music. But I guess that is the least important part of this adventure.. but still at least he got to be introduced.. I have a feeling it will grow on him :)
Okay, so we drive back to his car and he was under his car trying to fix it and I was talking to him. He wasn't frustrated, but kind of bummed out that it had happened.. and so I said "Nate, tell me a story." So he just starts laughing and he starts the story about once upon a time there lived a prince Nafaniel and princess Kathathalee.. and they were stranded.. and any way.. we got laughing about that for a while.. and all through the night the story kept being altered and it just made light of a stressful situation..
Okay, so me and Nate couldn't fix the car by ourselves, so we drove to his friend's house where the party was, and grabbed one of his friends along with some duct tape and drove back to his car. Nate and his friend ended up duct tapping his muffler back on.. (I guess duct tape really has an endless number of uses :) ) Oh, I forgot my important role in all of this. See, we forgot to bring a flashlight.. so I got to hold everyone's phones and shine the little bit of light under the car so they could see.. I know right.. talent! just call me Kylee :) haha.. Okay, I forgot to mention too that this was a monumental night for me. Something about me that all of my good friends know is that I struggle with left hand turns. Like I am okay turning left if I only have to cross say one lane of traffic, but when I have to cross multiple lanes I just struggle.. I would much rather make a right then turn left then make a u-turn then make a right so I am now in the right direction :) does that make sense? So, since we are on highway 89.. I had to make a left hand turn on the highway not just once.. but a plethera of times! I know right! I am talented! :)
Okay so after they were done tapping the car Nate tells me to follow behind them in my car. So I said I would. So we get onto the highway and he gets into the fast lane.. and I am just thinking to myself.. "What is he doing in the fast lane?" His friend's house is a right turn off of the slow lane. So I stayed in the other lane and carefully clogged the traffic. haha.. oh gosh.. so then they turn left.. and I had to keep going straight because it was too late for me to turn left.. and I had all these cars honking at me. So any way I call Nate and he picks up and says "Hey ky, I thought you said you were going to follow me" and I start laughing anyway.. they were laughing at me and asking if I knew how to follow people.. I am no good with directions so it was a little bit of a problem I didn't turn left with them. But no worries with alot of explaining from them, I managed to find them. Funny part was is I got behind this really slow car and I start to blinker over.. I was just like what is this car doing going 25 mph in a 50 mph zone.. yeah it ended up being Nate.. duh ky :) okay so they just park their car in front of this house and they told me they couldn't find the repair shop they were going to take his car too.. So they hopped in and I drove and we hadn't even gone a mile when I said "hey guys, isn't that it right there" they stared at me dumbfounded and said "yeah" so we turned back around got his car and drove it to the repair place. Whoo! We made some progress :)
Hahahaha.. okay so after many laughs and help from good friends we made it back to the party. It ended up being midnight by the time we got to the party.. and that means my curfew. So quick goodbyes and I was off. Nate and his friends sat there on the corner watching as I made my triumphant left turn onto the highway. Man, if they hadn't been watching I would've definately turned right.. how embarrassing.. I can just picture Nate telling all his friends like "look she made the left!" and him just being like she can't turn left..
haha.. and that is the end of this story! :) the end
2015 year in review!
8 years ago
Who is this Nate you keep talking about...???
her lover
oh ky you make me laugh!
HAHA!! I just love you so much!! I love that in stressful situations all we can offer is a laugh. I don't handle situations without laughing...even if it isn't appropriate.
PS. How are you? I miss you
lol oh how i miss you.
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